Tailwind CSS to CSS converter

Transform your Tailwind CSS V3 color objects to V4 effortlessly with our conversion tool. Input your color object, select your desired color format (HEX, RGB, HSL, OKLCH, CMYK, CIELAB, or HSV), and click “Convert” to get the updated color values. You can easily copy the results or load an example to get started quickly.

Free and premium multipage themes & UI Kits For freelancers, developers, businesses, and personal use crafted with Astro JS & Tailwind CSS
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Lexington Themes

Free and premium multipage themes & UI Kits For freelancers, developers, businesses, and personal use crafted with Astro JS & Tailwind CSS

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Premium components, elements and layouts For freelancers, developers, businesses, and personal use. Beautifully crafted with Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS
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Oxbow UI

Premium components, elements and layouts For freelancers, developers, businesses, and personal use. Beautifully crafted with Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS

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